10 Reasons Methadone Treatment is Right for You

Almost everyone has heard of methadone as a treatment for opiate addiction. Most of the time methadone and methadone clinics are featured in a negative light but this is an extremely biased view. Methadone treatment helps thousands of people stay away from addictive opiates every day.

1. Methadone is a Proven Treatment

Methadone addiction treatment has been around for decades. In 1964 scientists and doctors started treating heroin addicts with methadone to manage their addictions, according to the Center for Substance Abuse Research.

2. Methadone Treats Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms

You do not have to suffer. Opiate withdrawal is known as one of the worst of all the illegal and prescription drugs. Methadone controls the symptoms of opiate withdrawal.

3. Methadone Treats Chronic Pain

If you are in chronic pain and addicted to the opiates used to treat chronic pain, methadone might be your answer. It started out as a pain killer until doctors and scientists realized that it can treat both. To find a treatment center for your opiate addiction and chronic pain issues, call 888-810-5995 ( Who Answers?) .

4. Methadone is Safe

Methadone Treatment

Methadone treatment reduces withdrawal symptoms so you can start to feel normal again.

Yes, methadone is safe as long as you take it exactly as prescribed. People who find themselves in trouble or overdosing on methadone are those that take more than prescribed or take it with other drugs or alcohol.

5. Methadone will not Cause Intoxication or Sedation

After the initial dose of methadone is adjusted to meet your needs, methadone does not cause drowsiness, sedation, or intoxication. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the euphoria and sedative effects are dampened or suppressed.

6. You Don’t have to Worry About Being Arrested when you are Prescribed Methadone

When you have a legitimate prescription for methadone, you no longer have to worry about carrying heroin or another illegal opiate with you. The chance of you being arrested on drug charges goes down significantly as long as you remain in treatment.

7. You will not Need to Engage in Drug Seeking Behavior

Since you will receive your methadone dose daily, you will not have to worry about finding your opiate fix or going into withdrawal. Once your methadone is regulated there is no reason to doctor shop or find a dealer.

8 Reasons Why Methadone Doctors are Special and Why you Should See One

8. It will Stop you from Craving Opiates

Some people say that the cravings are one of the worst parts of opiate addiction. Methadone at the right dose ends these cravings. This is part of what makes it so effective.

9. You will no Longer Need to Buy Expensive Illegal Opiates

Purchasing drugs drives many into homelessness and financial ruin. Prescription and illegal opiates are extremely expensive, methadone is not. Sometimes insurance plans even cover your methadone treatment.

10. It is Easy to Find a Treatment Center that Uses Methadone as a Treatment Option

Methadone treatment centers are not difficult to find. You can find them simply by calling us at 888-810-5995 ( Who Answers?) . We can help you find the methadone treatment center that is right for you.

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