8 Reasons Why Methadone Doctors are Special and Why you Should See One
Methadone is a powerful opiate based drug that doctors use to treat both chronic pain and opiate addiction. It is an option for those who are addicted to opiates but still suffer from any one of a number of chronic pain disorders.
1. Can Anyone Prescribe Methadone?
Since methadone is an opiate in its own way, not every doctor can prescribe it. Most family doctors and other health practitioners cannot just arbitrarily prescribe methadone for patients in pain.
2. Who can Prescribe Methadone?
There are two types of doctors that can dispense methadone. These two types are:
- Prescribing doctors – those private physicians who prescribe methadone to treat chronic pain in their patients with disorders like:
Methadone doctors must know your medical and addiction history prior to prescribing methadone.
- cancer
- fibromyalgia
- chronic back pain
- arthritis
- Dispensing doctors – those doctors that work in methadone clinics who both prescribe and dispense methadone at their clinic.
According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, all doctors prescribe methadone in any form must have a specific registration to do so. A family practitioner can only prescribe methadone to treat pain even if they are registered but a dispensing doctor can prescribe it for both pain and addiction.
3. What do Methadone Doctors Need to Know?
Methadone doctors need to know both your medical and your addiction history before they prescribe methadone. It is a highly reactive drug so your habits and history are very important. To find a treatment center to help you with your addiction and chronic pain needs call 888-810-5995 ( Who Answers?) .
4. Why See a Doctor Certified in Methadone Treatment?
A doctor that is certified, trained, and registered can prescribe methadone. Since methadone is a very strong drug that can easily be dangerous if taken incorrectly, it is important to find a doctor that knows methadone treatment.
5. What can Methadone do for You?
Methadone can keep you off opiates and allow you to live pain and craving free. You can remain out of pain on methadone maintenance for years or stop an addiction with methadone detoxification.
6. Is Methadone Safe?
Yes, when taken correctly methadone is very safe. According to the Center for Substance Abuse Research, methadone has been safely used for 56 years to treat pain and addiction.
7. How do you Know Methadone is Right for You?
If you are addicted to opiates, you need opiate addiction treatment. Methadone provides a cost effective way to get through withdrawal and manage chronic pain while still being able to function. If you are an opiate addict and need treatment, chances are methadone is right for you.
8. Where can you Find a Doctor that Treats Chronic Pain and Addiction with Methadone?
Although there are pain clinics across the country, many of them do not offer methadone treatment. Finding a qualified methadone treatment facility might seem difficult, but all you have to do is call 888-810-5995 ( Who Answers?) . We can help you find a treatment center that uses methadone and can end your opiate addiction.